Closed period

Closed period
— RecordSearch note


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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A463 1992/141 Climate Change - Greenhouse Domestic Policy Briefing and Reports 1990 - 1991
D363 MB15586 RUCH, Charlotte Adelaide beneficiary of RUCH, Frederick Henry - Service Number - 2216 1988 - 1993
M3353 57 Western Australian Federal Parliamentary Labor Party 1983 - 1984
A1838 748/4 Vietnam - Commercial and trade policies [2cms] 1955 - 1974
B44 V1971/5838 ACHKAR, Michael John [6 pp] 1971 - 1971
D2945 PL203 Adaptor couplings 1973 - 1983
PP825/1 HX28641 Benjamin Piercy Lewis 1947 - 1978
AWM282 MA310/3/1 [Australian Embassy Saigon] Establishments - Strengths - Friendly RVNAF [Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces] Strengths 1969 - 1972
PP926/1 MX47055 Harold Taylor Gurney 1941 - 1975
D2952 PL31/1981 Wirrulla - New passing siding [Diagram showing Wirrulla Station Yard - proposed new passing siding and Camp Train] 1981 - 1982
AWM279 723/R5/122 [Combat Operatons] - After Action Report - Operation Hawker 1971 - 1971
A3978 GAIN G S Officers (RAN) personal record - Geoffrey Stronach Gain 1968 - 1988
K26 HX3184 Aubrey Edgar Lyle Jarvis 1948 - 1986
B503 R1110 SHIPLE6Y, Donald Frederick - 423184 [6 pages] [Prisoners of War Trust Fund application] 1972 - 1973
B1387 83/383 PART 1 Antarctica - United Nations Consideration 1983 - 1984
D2952 PL20/1980 Port Lincoln - Improved sanitary accommodation for Work Foreman's section and the Perway Gang [Drawing number D80/78 - Port Lincoln - Proposed offices for Works Foreman, Timekeeper and ablutions - 1:100 and 1:500, Drawing number D77/177 - Port Lincoln - Station Yard - Works Foreman shed - Proposed office and ablutions addition - Scale 1:50 and 1:100, Drawing number D78/99 - Port Lincoln - Works foreman's office and ablutions - plumbing details - Scale 1:50] 1980 - 1986
D2952 PL121/1980 Cummins - North level crossing - EWS water main under tracks [EWS Department, Plan number WR 16-80 showing 100mm AC mains - Level Crossing - Cummins] 1980 - 1982
K26 MX52400 VOL 5 Oscar Desmond Drew 1960 - 1986
PP927/1 RX5977 HOSKEN Gustavus WX19769 1942 - 1992
M1268 275 PART 6 [Personal Papers of Prime Minister Fraser] [Special investigation into the affairs of Sinclair Pastoral Company et al by M J Finnane (Inspector) - Hansard extracts] 16 Aug 1977 - 14 Nov 1978